Protective Screens, Cough And Sneeze Guards.
Sneeze Guards For All Types Of Situations
Capital Glass are now supplying separations screens, cough screen and sneeze guards that help to mitigate the spread of infections and viruses including CoronaVirus and protect those people in the workplace.
Our separation screen/virus guard solutions are immediately available to all businesses.
Made with clear Perspex our Sneeze Guards & Screens are a perfect solution for hygienic protection and safety.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to infect and spread across our country, we realise that your staff and customers will need to feel safe if we are ever going to get back to “normal”.
Our separation screen/virus guard solutions are immediately available to all businesses.
Made with clear Perspex our Sneeze Guards & Screens are a perfect solution for hygienic protection and safety.
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to infect and spread across our country, we realise that your staff and customers will need to feel safe if we are ever going to get back to “normal”.
It is recommended that any business that has some level of face to face interaction are being advised to install physical barriers when possible to limit potential exposure by separating customer and employee.
By introducing some form of separation screen with a cough guard and/or sneeze guard, you are limiting the opportunity of spreading viruses through direct person to person contact and airborne exposure. Thus protecting both the staff member and customer.
By introducing some form of separation screen with a cough guard and/or sneeze guard, you are limiting the opportunity of spreading viruses through direct person to person contact and airborne exposure. Thus protecting both the staff member and customer.